Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Artist Spotlight: Johnny Rodney (@JohhnnyRodney)

Trigger Twins: Introduce the world to who you are.
Artist: I am Johnny Rodney, artist, producer, songwriter and President of Forever Music Group
What made you get into music?
Artist: Life. It was always around me. It was always something that was a part of me. My mother was a singer and I found myself wanting to be one as well. So I went for it.
Trigger Twins: How would you describe your style of music?
Artist: I’m a pop artist who grew up on 90s R&B and loves hip hop. It is definitely a unique combination.
Trigger Twins: With the way the Industry is, what would you say is missing to improve it?
Artist: I think pure performers are whats missing. Back in the day, when you had a show, you had to leave everything you had on stage. I think that is missing. A lot of artists today don’t understand the importance of the art of performing.
Trigger Twins: What do you think DJs need to improve on to make their relationship with Artist easier?
Artist: I think artists need to approach DJs properly and DJs have to be willing to work with artists and especially new artists who are hot.
Trigger Twins: Who are some of your favorite Independent/Mainstream DJs
Artist: Dj Toomp, DJ Holiday, Dj Blazentrax, DJ Drama, DJ Holleywood
Trigger Twins: What do you think Independent Artist are lacking to reach the next level?
Artist: Knowledge of the industry. It is all about the music and the presentation.
Trigger Twins: What project(s) are you currently working on?
Artist: We are currently working on two mixtapes and a compilation mixtape for the label.
Trigger Twins: What are your goals in this Industry?
Artist: I want people to say that Johnny Rodney was a smart business man and a talented artist. He gave his all in the studio, on stage and in front of the camera.
Trigger Twins: What will be the sign you see/feel to know you’re on your way to the top?
Artist: When we start touring regularly, and start spinning on the radio regularly we will be on our way. We will never become complacent, but we will be on our way.
Trigger Twins: Where can the Readers hear more of your music?
Artist: We have links all over the web. If you follow us on twitter at @forevermusicgrp, we have all the links to our music listed there.
Trigger Twins: Do you have any last words or shout outs to give?
Artist: Shout out to Alana Nicole, FMG artist and All  of our supporters!

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